Thursday, October 13, 2005

Work List

1 comment
here is a list of all the crap i have to do by today that i have or haven't done...

___ surface designs for Projects: Human SanctuaryLATE!
___ sketch model for Projects: Human SanctuaryLATE!
_X_ 4 more entries + visuals for Projects: Personal Journal
___ Drawings
_X_ Typed out research paper + sketches for Critical Studies: Element One
_X_ Study for Dada/Surrealism test on Monday
___ Make tapes for the car
___ Replace faulty 0.4 pen from GTM

as i finish them i'll put an X next to the topic,...have fun, Erin...blekks

1 comment :

  1. u didnt even come for the test! haishh
