Sunday, November 13, 2005

Age gap?

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For personal friends only:
Remember the joker?
Ask me about this story in person...
Damn funny...

Besides that, do you know that Blogger has added this new function called
moderate comments? Cool eh? So you can preview all comments before they're posted and you don't get weirdos *protective or not* coming and bugging again. Gehahaha...Must be a response to my constant questions sent in to them.

Anyway, this week marks an end to the first week back in college after that whole earthquake-shattering-world episode. And i have more work than ever!!!

Anyway, this thing's been bugging my mind. Do age gaps really make a difference in relationships? *please note, relationships mean everything from friendships, acquaintances and romantic included* I think they do in some small ways but i think if people are more tolerant to each other then things get better, you know. Its obvious that one with several years of age more than the other has the upper advantage, so letting up a little won't hurt. Isn't that how lions and lionesses are so tolerant of their cubs playing and rough-housing?

Alaaaaa...what's several years? Well, you have the advantage over me cos you get to learn now.
Hello? People learn better...waaaaaaaaayyyyyy better...through experience. No matter what you say about it, yes, sad to say people do learn better through experience. You can tell a person to change a thousand times over and unless that particular person sees the importance of that particular change, nada...nothing happening bay-beh. Welcome to the latest generation, live it and weep.

How can you expect a person say 10 years younger to know and see what you see through your eyes with all your knowledge of the world? Well, people ain't gonna see it like that dudes...

Yes, aku bengang, if you haven't figured that out by now. Cos i feel people who leave, should do just that. LEave me alone.


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