Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Grab, grab, grab

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And before your dirty minds take you somewhere not so clean, i mean grab photos. I've been busily grabbing photos from here and there to complete my not so complete photo stash now thanks to my dearest dad who successfully caused a virus that erased all my photos, music...basically just everything. So if any of you have any of me, pls email it to me. Hu hu hu...i've been roaming friendster accounts and all the different sites i may have uploaded pictures to. Thank goodness for the blog, i uploaded several nicer photos there and also the AFC website...most of the good pictures are there. But i still had so many...that i'll never be able to replace. Damn.

Oh Well...i'll just take it as a sign to start afresh and cam whore more!!! HAHAHAHAHA

And on the topic of grabbing, there's this particular person who's copying my drawings. Now as i have said before, i don't really care about this plagiarism, copy whatever thingie, but then this particular person is someone close enough to me that i know for sure this person cannot draw like that. I suppose imitation is the best form of compliment. Haahhaha, if you so hard up to copy though, copy la betul betul...cantik sikit...


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