Monday, January 14, 2008

I feel something coming on ...

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I feel it coming. What is it? Gah. I'm annoyed. But for reasons i cannot divulge here, not that it's such a big secret but for the sake of your reading eyes, i shall refrain from ranting. But some things i've got to know, like

  • Do i write in a very confusing way?
  • Does my processing machine work in oddifying ways (yes there is no such word, but i like it) that everyone doesn't understand?
  • Is it me, or is it you?

Gah. Now that's truly annoying. Not knowing the answers to those questions, i mean. Ahh, it's just one of those days, where everyone doesn't get me and i'm left feeling weird, abnormal and lame. Where childish tantrums may be expected, wreaking havoc inside me, because it will never surface anyway.

Wanna know something more annoying? I wonder whether i really want to know the answer anyway. And i don't think i do. Hahaha.

edit: I ranted anyway, didn't i? Whoops.


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