I don't like looking at the camera if i'm taking my own picture unless it's with other people, so ignore the ju-on hair. I'm no model, that's certain, but i just wanted to show you my new belt. In a new color, one that i've never used or willingly bought before, yellow! In my enthusiasm to force myself to go out of the ordinary, i made myself try yellow in my wardrobe, although i'm not keen on it (the color).
The reason why i'm doing things like this, is just cos i can. It helps me go outside of my comfort zone (in this case colors but mostly life in general, this is just one of the things i'm trying out). In a small way, it makes me be more creative. With regards to the picture, i finally learnt how to just isolate one part that i want colored and grayscaled the rest, hurrah! Yes i'm a jakun, who hates to read help manuals but what the hey.
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