Friday, October 01, 2010

my home

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i would like to blog more about my new house, but the internet connection is limited (which means no pictures). Streamyx will only be here next week (i hope)!

I've barely finished unpacking (more like just begun). I have so many books, i could build a whole house made out of books.

The house is mostly complete, minus a proper kitchen worktop, a couple of study tables and more armchairs in the living room. the rest, is not very important (like a wardrobe for me, a new tv for a). It's a step by step, month by month process. Two shelves this month, one table the next, an armchair after that and it goes on and on. Cheap and good furniture is hard to find.

Speaking of hard to find, moving makes things go missing. And then you find it in a random box one day (after you've already bought the replacement). I now have two can openers -.-

and i'm happy to be able to cross off number two on my 24things list.


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