Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Some *gwai* thoughts

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I pray & hope that one day, our own local theologians would be as well-equipped, gospel-centred and as capable as the kind *gwai lou* souls that have come to our shores to help, and also that as many people would gather to hear them.

Although with much thanks to the many international theologians i've had the privilege of listening to, there's so much to be said about the benefits of having the local guys equipped: local knowledge is helpful, if not of utmost importance, especially in application of the Word into the local context. The delicate details of culture is just hard to grasp, and who knows the ins and outs better than a born and bred local guy.

Sometimes i wonder also about the *gwai lou* effect on Malaysians. There seems to be some 'pukau' effect that happens when we hear white guys speaking, in comparison to hearing our own local pastors. It's weird, but true.

It's pretty exciting to think on the fact that in my church there are many who are eager to take up this daunting but honorable task. It's a good reminder for me, to keep praying for the growth of faithful pastor-teachers here in Malaysia.


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