Actually, to tell you the truth, i really hate confrontations. Whether it is direct confrontation or indirect, i hate it just as well. Since school *especially in Samad*, i never understood why it was so necessary for the guys to do the *come. We'll settle it outside* in-big-men-voices thing. Is violence, force and bad words really necessary to "settle" something.
Fact: Settle means to reach an agreement or decision about, sit, come to rest, or arrange comfortably or securely, or become or make calmer or quieter. I suppose to be fair to the guys, to reach an agreement, perhaps hands and legs are required. I wouldn't know, i'm not a guy. But i've always admired the way of women.
I quote one of my favourite books," The way of a lady is a bit of poison in the meal. So much more refined."
I think women are the best candidates for assasins. Hah, unlike our male counterparts, Women don't hold violent confrontations *not all anyway*. Women are capable of malicious, evil, stab-on-the-back deeds and can pull it off with a smile on their face. That's the worst thing about women. When they actually sit down and try/pretend to want to reach an agreement to a problem, you can never really tell whether she will comply to the terms. Women are great actors, hidden behind kind, sweet apologetics. Hypokritos in greek is the word for actor. It is the same word as hypocrite as we use today.
Sad truths. How do we get around this problem? We don't. Cos you can never tell whether a woman is really telling the truth or lying.
Not saying that all women are like that. I know of several who can't lie to save their own lives. But well, we all aim to achieve the straightforward manner of guys like Davin, Daniel and Derek. Unlike the guys of today, these exemplary guys have this quality of truth. Sigh...maybe i should have been born a guy.
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