Thursday, January 12, 2006

Annoyances, annoyances

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Well, ladies and gentlemen, i have thus far had my second accident in all of my one driving year experience, thank you very much. But, i would like to clarify that this time, it is not my fault! It is sooo not my fault okay? It is the fault of a stupid bus driver who manages to wonderfully hit a stationary car. Amazing isn't it? Gah! I'm annoyed, pissed...especially since this is only a new car, this is ONLY my second accident, and this is ONLY one accident overdue the limit that i'm allowed to have!

There is a scene in Sex and the City, can't remember which episode, that has a character going...
*takes deep breath* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****!!!

Yes, that scene totally encompasses all my creative expressions of the moment. So i take a step back, breathe, remember to LOOOOVVVVEEE the people who do you injustices...oh, i would really LOOOVEEE to LOOVVVVVEE that stupid driver right now...I would LOOOOVVVVVEEE him to death. Ergh. Ok, that's the limit of my venting for this event. Now, to focus on loving that .... hehe .... misguided driver for real. Oh's so hard, please help me. *bzzzt, interception of thoughts* How am i gonna get it fixed la? I just finished paying for the last accident, out of my own pocket money. *bzzt, back to focusing* sigh...please forgive me for all these angry hurtful thoughts and take it away *bzzt, interception again* Will the guy pay for my repairs? He should, cos he did it. *bzzt*

Now i'm not ridiculing prayer. This is really how it is, usually. Not only for me. Sigh...I'm so tempted to hit something but i love my hands too much. So i'll go to sleep and try to forget about this.


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