Monday, February 06, 2006


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Subject E is currently in Operation Hibernation, in belief that hibernation will keep the subject sane. Subject E also has been reading too many Fearless books and thus demonstrating weird ways of communication. Subject E should be put to sleep immediately.

Edit: This is sooooooooooooooooooooo CIA. Sigh. I am going crazy out of my mind. I'm pissed at i'm not sure what. Sometimes, i just wish i was fearless, like Gaia. No worry, no need to be afraid of things and circumstances. Just me and myself. But then i'd be very lonely. But then i won't be afraid of being lonely. see. But well, the reality is i'm not fearless. And so i will have all these stupid little insecurities that make me, well, ME. Fear is a necessity, it's something that keeps you ALIVE.


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