Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What's up?

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What's up with "what's up?" What's the whole hoo-haa about this little question called "What's up?"

I can't stand it when people ask me that question. To me, it shows you have no capability of starting conversation yourself, therefore you use "What's up?" to throw the ball to the other person's court, just so you don't have to think up of worthy conversation. It shows you're too lazy to think of a good conversation starter and so fall back on the ever-vague "What's up?" Doesn't require much brain power to come up with a "What's up?". And also what's up with one syllable answers? Cat caught your tongue? Quite defeats the purpose of English education, doesn't it, if after being taught to speak and write in proper sentences you are only able to converse using single words at a time. That said, actually "what's up?" is quite an achievement for such intelligent minds.

A: Hey
B: Hi
A: What's up?
B: Nothing.
A: oh.
B: u?
A: nothing

Come on la. Show some intelligence, please. How about a nice, polite "How are you and how have you been?", or a "I read in the news today about...", or a "What do you think about (insert a controversial issue here)"? Ergh, it's such a chore and a bore to talk to superbly articulate conversationalists such as these and i soon tire of thinking up new topics, in hopes that one of them might cause a sudden *gasp, no!* word vomit.

A: So how's college?
B: ok la
A: Studying hard?
B: er, liddat lor
A: What about your love life? Any girlfriend?
B: erm, no la
A: Anyone in particular?
B: nah
A: *why am i not surprised* Soooo...what is your opinion on euthanasia?
B: what's that?
A: *dies of strangulation by own hands*


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