But why is it that prevention always comes after something happens then?
Bla bla bla, long story short, the foggers came to fog my area, after the hospital was forced to report a few more cases from here. Like after the first three were reported, which was in february, they came and fogged, twice in a week i think. But after that week, no more is heard from them. Now, they come back. Why? Because someone else nearly died.
Damn bodoh. How much it takes to fog, i don't know, but i'm sure it won't cost more than someone's life. I mean, sure people living here must take prevention and get rid of breeding areas, but we can only do so as far as our house and immediate area is concerned. What about the stupid "pond" outside? It's just an empty piece of land, no one uses, owned by don't know what kinda useless owner, that collects rain water and is ample breeding ground. Sigh, why are the people in charge so tak berguna?
Sigh, looks like some of us are just destined to make an impact upon death rather than in life.
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