To be told that people that you sorta know from afar read your blog is kinda freaky. Makes me feel like rewriting this or editing that or omitting certain things or wishing i wrote better. -Boy i feel like a Stepford wife, the kind that has to clean up before guests step into the house-
Oh well, what i write, errors and all are just part n parcel of who i am -cursing included too. So if this is someone that you wanna know, then keep on reading but if i offend you, haha tata! Maybe i'm direct and i go straight to the point, rude or not, maybe i am more ambiguous and reserved, its all me.
I think i might have paid a bribe today.
Haha it wasn't a criminal one.
It was a bribe so that i won't have to hear all about this embarrassing incident in the future when i'm fifty if i didn't pay it. But it wasn't so bad. Not paid to a policeman, but to a close friend. Who, i'm sure, will find an occasion to remind me of this again.
You know, we all do things like this. Emotional bribes. Like when you say sorry even though you're not but just to diffuse the angry moment. It's a bribe, to make the situation better for the time being. Or when you give in to a friend over a dress that you both want but don't want to be seen in the same dress at the same occasion. It's a bribe, for your friendship.
Is it dishonest if you want to keep the calm, not rock the boat? Is it plain and simple dishonest like paying a bribe to our local policemen? I suppose it is, and you're suppressing the truth inside you, that you might really disagree with their point of view, that you really want the dress anyway. It probably could be better if you just tell the truth and work around that, maybe having to agree to disagree. I guess that would take a whole lot more work than just keeping quiet, like i like to do.
Oh well, what i write, errors and all are just part n parcel of who i am -cursing included too. So if this is someone that you wanna know, then keep on reading but if i offend you, haha tata! Maybe i'm direct and i go straight to the point, rude or not, maybe i am more ambiguous and reserved, its all me.

Haha it wasn't a criminal one.
It was a bribe so that i won't have to hear all about this embarrassing incident in the future when i'm fifty if i didn't pay it. But it wasn't so bad. Not paid to a policeman, but to a close friend. Who, i'm sure, will find an occasion to remind me of this again.
You know, we all do things like this. Emotional bribes. Like when you say sorry even though you're not but just to diffuse the angry moment. It's a bribe, to make the situation better for the time being. Or when you give in to a friend over a dress that you both want but don't want to be seen in the same dress at the same occasion. It's a bribe, for your friendship.
Is it dishonest if you want to keep the calm, not rock the boat? Is it plain and simple dishonest like paying a bribe to our local policemen? I suppose it is, and you're suppressing the truth inside you, that you might really disagree with their point of view, that you really want the dress anyway. It probably could be better if you just tell the truth and work around that, maybe having to agree to disagree. I guess that would take a whole lot more work than just keeping quiet, like i like to do.
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