Friday, August 10, 2007

Hermeneutical Subjectivism

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Gaha big word, i'm not totally sure of the whole meaning but i get the gist.

Whats up with it?
I've just been noticing things of late, people picking and choosing bits of what God teaches in the Bible to suit them and their lifestyles and discarding whatever doesn't gel with that.
Again, i have to say, i'm not perfect, but this is wrong. Don't mind me, i'm just wondering out loud.

Isn't it so hypocritical? Declaring certain things, saying things like oh thank God for this thank God for that, but turn your back on other parts of teaching? Isn't that sort of holding on to some parts of sinful life and not giving your whole life up to God? Like saying,"Yes thank you God for this that, i give my whole life up to You...EXCEPT THAT."

Don't know what to add to that but that it's wrong. Must study more before i say anything else.


On a separate note, i'm bored. Haha being bored is not a bad thing. It's like when your body is hungry, means you need to feed it. So when your mind is bored, you need to feed it too. And here's where its important. You need to feed it with good healthy food, same like your body. The occasional crunchies are okay though =D

So i'm extremely looking forward to the upcoming treasure hunt. Exercising the mind.

[whines] But thats a whole month away, Erin...

What to do now?

Any bright ideas?


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