Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just cos

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Just came back from watching Angels and Demons. Let's just say, the book and my imagination go a whole lot better together than my eyes and the cinema screen. The guy really knows how to write super thrillers. For as much as i'd rather not comment on his strange theories on Jesus and the church, i think he really gives us good fodder for discussion. And mind you, when i say discussion, i don't mean apologetics. I don't see anything wrong with reading such books or watching such movies. I say to shun them 'just cos', is stupid.

Because one thing about these books or movies... they remind me of the grace God shows to His people. How He teaches and helps them understand who He is, what He did in the death of Jesus Christ for us and how He continues to work in us. It's amazing! We don't have to be super 'spiritual' to so called understand God, nor do we discover God from science. We might see His work in science, but ultimately science won't tell you about God.

Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

We need God to tell us about God, and who better than his Son, the Word of God, who humbled himself to do his Father's will. He might not be here now physically, but God's Word remains.

It's amazing!


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