Monday, August 07, 2006

Prayer Punctuation

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What is punctuation?

According to an online dictionary, it is:
n 1: something that makes repeated and regular interruptions or divisions 2: the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases [syn: punctuation mark] 3: the use of certain marks to clarify meaning of written material by grouping words grammatically into sentences and clauses and phrases

Now that we have clarified that, let me get on with what i want to say.
There are some people who pray with punctuations. The period, the comma, pauses in between sentences. All good. No problem.

There are other people who pray with punctuations.
Father, we pray that, Father, you will (insert here), Father, and so on and so forth.
It is sooooooooooo unnecessary.
I counted the amount of Father God's in someone's prayer once *don't worry, i said a prayer of my own too* and the amount of Father God's was double, almost triple the amount of the items being prayed for.

He is the Almighty, you know. I have no doubt that He can hear you, anytime anywhere, even if you don't say his name so many times.

Maybe you think i'm mean to say this kind of things. You're thinking it too. I know you are. Alot of you think it but just don't say it out loud. But well. I know i know, prayer is a conversation with God, and God and you can say whatever you want to say, cos its only between you and God. If that's the case, i guess that's fine. But when you're praying for people out loud, its just...weird. I have gotten used to it by now though.

but i Do, hope that. prayers will be' properly; Punctuated?


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