Saturday, September 23, 2006

Truth ache

I'm allover aching.
Dance training is always grueling nowadays.
If anyone says they're not sweaty, tired or aching, then they are probably not putting in as much effort as i am *raspberry*

This far in the program, i'm not exactly happy with my progress.
I don't even know whether there's progress.
The instructors tell me,'Oh good. Very good.' and 'Nice, very nice'.
But you're never really sure.
I think i want the deep down hard and dirty critique.
Cos then i know exactly what i'm doing wrong so i can improve that
and exactly what i'm doing right so i can improve that also *grin*

Cos it always seems to me like i'm doing fine.
And other people look at me dancing and they tell me wow i'm a fantastic dancer,
but you never really know whether they're telling u the truth, the absolute truth
or whether they're encouraging you... u know... pushing you on.
Christians like to do this.
Not good.

For me, i'll tell u the truth.
You suck, i'll tell u, 'U suck lah!'
If u look funny, i'll laugh at you and then i'll tell u why its so funny and help you.
If you're good, i'll tell u i'm impressed.
No kissing your butt before it hits the ground anyway.
Cos its TRUE!
I'm not the type of girl who would cheer and giggle with you, smile smile and such
then when you're gone, stab u and cut your throat.
Like i always say, if i don't like you...heh...

I'm so glad that there's at least one part of my life where i'm proud to say i'm so honest, it's brutal. I'm not the most honest person in the world. There's nothing i love better than to spice up an interesting story abit. But well, that's changed.

Just the honest, brutal truth.


  1. Eh, what happened to your chatbox ah? HIlang adi!

  2. ppl like u will finally get frus enuf to use the comments. HAHAHAHAH

  3. i thot as much. i should do the same. but nah, i like my chatbox :P
