Sunday, September 16, 2007

I don't fit in anymore

1 comment
What can i say
Its the price to pay
If i choose this life
it's filled with strife
It's such a chore
to be nice and more
and it's real hard
to consider with regard

I want to blend in
But i'm different within
I once thought we'd be friends
Right to the very end
But its difficult
Such a tumult
A dichotomy
of all that is me

I want to be good
to do what i should
Jesus says there's more
but i feel like i tore
the bad and the good
as far as i could
right down the middle;
Oh, i'm so befuddled!

Yes this is the cost
not to be lost
It hurts a lot
when i cannot
talk to them the same
to be similarly lame
So long status quo
I've got to let go
Cos the way it was
is no longer good enough

Oh it's a real bore, but
I just don't fit in anymore


Half witted poetry
Oh, forgive me
If its not up to par
with Ash the star;
But this is it
The little bit
Of my personality
That's slightly more pretty
Than the rest of me.

1 comment :

  1. I'm getting so much mention in poetry nowadays, it's no wonder that I haven't floated out of my room just yet.


    And your poetry's good, keep writing. It seems to be the latest fad. Poetry season. Heh.

    And Ash is no star. She puts together jargon that gets lucky.

    Lucky jargon.
